Saturday, August 28, 2010

Only I Can Define Myself

Week Two: 8/23-8/27

This week, Mr. Burke asked us to define ourselves by trying our best to stick to one-worded phrases. Any word would work; my perspective, others' perspectives, or anything that comes to mind when I think of how to define myself. So, I came up with this list: growing, changed, curious, observative, conflicted, emotional, adaptive, friendly, stubborn, hard-working, smart, awkward, funny. The words listed here are what I jotted down in my journal, but they're not all necessarily in my point of view. I realized that although I am the only person in the world that knows myself best, others may not see me in the same light. So what is a definition? "The condition of being definite, distinct, or clearly outlined." Simply living is by means a way of defining myself with every action, every word, and every look that comes from my heart. Ironically, as I was in the process of writing this blog, my dad got in an argument with me about how he is upset with how I am as a person at times. I responded by telling him that I am exactly like him: extremely reasonable and able to hold in my emotions at the right times, but stubborn and not afraid to tell the truth. Unfortunately, he exploded when I responded with that answer, because like all human beings, he just couldn't stand to hear the truth about himself. I realized that by defining myself, I also indirectly (but also purposely) slapped my dad in the face with my answer. But most of all, to define yourself is to learn about yourself while you make the most out of what you do every day of your life. I am my own person, therefore I decide who I am.

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